Statement on Safety and Behavioral Expectations for the EMU Campus Community

Statement on Safety and Behavioral Expectations for the EMU Campus Community

The Community Lifestyle Commitment of EMU outlines the expectation that all persons on our campus will respect the dignity and diversity of others even when we do not agree. In light of this, we will not tolerate any form of bigotry, harassment, intimidation, threat, destruction of personal property, name calling or other forms of abuse whether written, spoken directly or implied. Alcohol or other substance abuse, fatigue, ignorance or saying, “it was just a joke” will not be acceptable excuses for such behavior.  Persons who are gay or lesbian have the same right to be treated with respect and dignity as does anyone else on our campus.

Persons who engage in such non-respectable behavior may be subject to discipline. Persons who believe they have been victims of harassment should report the incident immediately. Faculty should report incidents to the provost. Staff should report incidents to the vice president for finance. Students should report incidents to the vice president for student life.

Every faculty member and administrator is responsible to ensure implementation of this statement in their areas of responsibility by informing those in their spheres of influence.

Adopted by Cabinet consensus, July 16, 2001

Reaffirmed by Cabinet, April 8, 2004