SOC/PXD225A: Theories of Social Change


Why are theories necessary for social change? How do they explain social, global or personal transformation? How can you contribute to the process of theory making?  This course investigates key sociological theories and thinkers that have played a pivotal role in the discipline. Together we will use sociological theories to understand our social realities, examine social problems and explore possibilities to change them. Students will examine their own lived experiences and awareness of transforming their social world. Stimulated by a variety of creative course mediums, we will understand the dynamics of social change in contemporary contexts and ultimately discover the power of sociological constructs to shape our future. 


Introduction to Sociological Theory by Michele Dillon, 3rd edition, Wiley Publication.

* EMU Core Requirement: this course serves as a Writing Intensive (WI) designate.

Theories of Social change –

Course Access Dates: Students from 7/30/2023 until 12/11/2026; Faculty from 3/2/2023 until 12/11/2026
Cross Listed Courses: (2023-24 FA) SOC 225 A - Theories of Social Change