Scheduled outage: Moodle (Wed 8-10am)

Scheduled outage: Moodle (Wed 8-10am)

by Administrator Beachy -
Number of replies: 0
Next Wednesday (16 July 2014) between 8:00am and 10:00am information systems is upgrading our Moodle system to version 2.7. More information is available at .
Moodle will be unavailable during the upgrade; no other systems will be affected.
This upgrade will affect you in two primary ways:
1. Theme: We are changing the Moodle theme to improve mobile support and compatibility with activities and assignments. The locations and names of Moodle functions will not change, though their appearance may.
2. Turnitin: We are adding an upgraded Turnitin plugin at Turnitin's request. We will continue to support the old plugin during the fall semester but encourage you to use the new. The new plugin provides the same functionality and better integrates with Moodle. 
We will provide more details about changes after the upgrade is complete.
If you have questions or concerns please contact the information systems helpdesk: or 540 432 4357 (x4357 on the Harrisonburg campus).