Public Information and Crisis Communication

EMU Public Information Policy and Crisis Communication Plan Summary

Eastern Mennonite University is committed to prompt, fair and accurate response to media inquiries and dissemination of information to the general public.

EMU’s full public information policy and crisis communication plan is available on request from the chair of the Crisis Management Preparedness Team (vice president for student life).

These documents are intended to manage information in the best interests of the university, not to censor or control scholarly work or employees’ personal involvement in community activities.

Marketing and Communications is the department through which EMU messages are channeled to ensure consistency of style and accuracy of message. Offices seeking press coverage will do so through Marketing and Communications. Individuals sharing expertise on behalf of EMU will work through Marketing and Communications to the extent possible. Statements such as op-ed pieces and letters to the editor in which the letter-writer is identified as an employee of EMU should be processed with Marketing and Communications priori to distribution.

In cases of “breaking news,” Marketing and Communications representatives will be available at all times to consult with administrators about effective press contact.

Spokesperson for EMU: The university president is EMU’s official spokesperson. The president may delegate this responsibility on a case-by-case basis. If the president is unavailable for consultation at the onset of a crisis, the provost, vice president for student life or other designee will be consulted in turn, depending on program affected and availability.

Crisis Communication Plan: A “crisis” can take many forms and unfold suddenly or over a period of time.  In the event of a crisis, EMU’s Emergency Management Team (EMT) will gather in a designated area to manage messages and response. The team will communicate with the campus community as information is confirmed and available in the following ways:

  1. Send text message alerts to those who have signed up for this service through the e2campus plan
  2. Post an EMU Alert message on the myEMU campus website. An icon for the EMU Alert will also appear on the EMU home page that will take you to the Alert page on myEMU.
  3. Send an e-mail to everyone on campus pointing them to our website for updates
  4. Distribute appropriate message through the viaRadio alert system installed throughout campus.
  5. Deliver a LAN (local area network) alert system message to every powered computer connected to the EMU network
  6. Have residence life staff meet with and account for their students on campus
  7. Notify local radio and TV stations via a news release

Information about EMU’s Crisis Management Preparedness Team, planning and procedures can be found at